open computer network中文什么意思

发音:   用"open computer network"造句
  • open:    adj. 1.开着的,开放的;可进入 ...
  • computer:    n. 1.计算者。 2.(电子)计算 ...
  • network:    n. 1.网眼织物。 2.(铁路、河 ...
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  1. As the recent denial - of - service attacks on several major internet sites have shown us , no open computer network is immune from intrusions
  2. In the open computer network environment , it has become much urgent for us to provide efficient copyright and security protection means for the digital information products . so the digital watermarking technology has been put forward for this in recent years
    围绕这一问题,近几年国际上提出了一种新的有效的数字产品版权保护和安全性维护的新技术? ?数字水印( digitalwatermarking )技术。
  3. In this thesis , the author made a description about her study in the field of the open computer network system combined with new network technology . first , this thesis discusses the current computer network management framework , summarizes the " network management model , analyses the typical network management framework , and educes the developing trend of network management framework


OCN (オ?シ?エヌ), or Open Computer Network, is the largest Japanese Internet service provider, with over 7 million subscribers.OCN?表?事会?700万契?突破 (machine translation) It is owned by NTT Communications Corp, one of the largest telecommunication companies in the world.


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北大研究证明:一天一个鸡蛋,医生远离我! (双语)

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